
Pride Mathebula 

A South African Residing in Pretoria, student at the University of Pretoria. Did his undergraduate studies at the University of Pretoria studying Political Sciences, majoring in Politics, Sociology and International Relations. Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science which he obtained in 2019. In 2020, furthered his studies at the University of Pretoria and do Honour’s in Sociology. From 2021 until now, he is busy with his Master’s degree in Sociology at the University of Pretoria.

Mr Mathebula focuses on the political economy and development in South Africa and how in turn implicates on the lives of the citizens, and how the policies (policies about work and the economy) affect the citizens of the country. He also focus on how social structures in turn determines the livelihoods of children. Interested in facilitating and management, tutoring and research. So far he has achieved two degrees, and two tutoring certificates at the University of Pretoria and received training around facilitating and working with groups.

While interested in research and writing, Mr Mathebula has passion for the public sector and the reason is because he believes that through transparent governance and serving the people. The country (South Africa and Africa) as a whole can change and develop. To be in the public sector leadership means to serve and live up to the interest and needs of the people and to provide sufficient services. And touch society into the core, the public service leadership present the path to work with and for the people.