Fellow- Avedi Musungu

Caelan Mutuma

Mutuma (he/him) is a student the United World College in Dilijan, Armenia. He is a Pan-Africanist from Nairobi, Kenya who is passionate about the intersectionality between culture, Pan-Africanism and socio-economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. He has worked with a number of grassroots organizations centered around education and youth leadership both locally and internationally.

He is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the African Artistic Movement, Founder of the Authentic African Literacy Initiative and the Co-Director of Advocacy at Youtheoria International. Mutuma has used the power of conversations, content, dialogue and education to inspire and work alongside African youth to become fearless leaders that will transform the face of the African continent.

Mutuma also has a passion for diplomacy and debate, and currently serves as the Co-Secretary General of the DiliMUN Conference. It is his hope that he may continue to use his gifts and talents to help those around him, and to eventually pursue a career that will support children living in marginalized and impoverished communities to become cycle–breakers of poverty.