Fellow- Avedi Musungu

Niyonshuti Fabien

Niyonshuti Fabien is a young visionary and servant leader who sees potential and values progress. He is Rwandan by nationality and it’s the same country he dwells in now. Growing up in the northern part, a rural area where the most dependent activity in his area is subsistence farming has given him a clear picture of what he needs to do in the future. He was offered a scholarship for six years in Sonrise high school given by Bridge 2 Rwanda for his exceptional and future endeavors among many applicants. 

He is also working hard to have an admission from the top universities around the globe in his undergraduate school next year. In addition to that, he dreams of becoming an entrepreneur so that he can change the subsistence farming practices into commercial farming in his village to end poverty and Zero Hunger. This will create employment opportunities to reduce rural-urban migration which hinders rural development. He wants to empower his village with different innovations so that the community can solve common challenges together starting from farming to other services that bring wealth and smiley faces to their children who are malnourished today. 

He also believes in small/tiny habits as it brings a wide resolution in change management. And At the present, he serves at his school as a Human Rights Club chief of Advisor from 2019 and the president in 2021. He joined Environment and Leadership clubs at school to preserve the remnant forest and lead towards achieving SDGs related to a clean environment that fosters good agricultural practice. These clubs and volunteering at home train me on becoming good servant leaders and mentors by receiving different teachings and attending various conferences and camps like Youth Impact missions.